This paper studies interval matrix multiplication.
C = A? B ( 1. 1)
Where a and b are general interval m × p and p × n matrices respectively. from
From the point of view of interval operation, we can divide matrix multiplication into
The following four situations:
(P×P)A and B are both point matrices,
(P×I) A is a point matrix, B is an interval matrix,
(I×P) A is an interval matrix and B is a point matrix, and
(I×I)A and B are interval matrices.
In this paper, the case of (P×P) is called point matrix multiplication.
(P×I), (I×P) and (I×I) are collectively called interval matrix multiplication.
tion。 Recently, using the command to control the rounding mode? ned by
IEEE 754? Standard and rapid methods for coating points [5], [6], [8] and [9] have been developed.
One of the authors (S. Oishi) and S. M. Rump calculated a strict inclusion.
Matrix multiplication. This method is controlled by so-called rounding mode.
Calculate. Throughout the paper, Oishi and
Rump is called Oishi-Rump algorithm. Because it involves matrix multiplication-
Cations play an important role in self-verification algorithm.
Its calculated cost. Do we want brie cheese? Y Review some examples of application in.
This paper focuses on the fast inclusion method of development interval.
Matrix multiplication with rounding mode control calculation. This is accommodation-
Using fast algorithm to calculate the upper bound of the product of the two
Nonnegative n × n matrix in O(n2)? Action team. We will also introduce a quick inclusion.
Multiplication method of complex matrix. The main result of this paper is to show.
Calculation cost of matrix enclosing every three intervals
Multiplication is almost the same as closed-point matrix multiplication.
We will give numerical results to illustrate the proposed algorithm.
The algorithm is much faster than the traditional algorithm.
The accuracy obtained by the new algorithm is the same as that obtained by the new algorithm
Conventional algorithm.
2. Rounding mode controls calculation
In this section, we will briefly introduce? Y Looking back at Oishi-Rump algorithm, it becomes
The basis of new inclusion algorithm for interval matrix multiplication. this
Oishi-Rump algorithm is based on the calculation of rounding mode control, and
Midpoint radius algorithm.
Let X =(xij) and Y =(yij) be real m × n matrices, then the symbol X ≤ Y is
De? ned by
For all (i, j), X ≤ Y xij ≤ yij,
And the symbol X ≥ O means that all elements of x are non-negative. Moreover, one
Real interval m × n matrix [A]isde? ned by [A]:=[A,A]= {X ∈ Rn× n
| A ≤ X ≤ A},
Nd a complex interval m × n matrix [C]isde? Nedby
[C]:=[C,C]=[A + i? b,A + i? B]=[A,A]+ i? [b, b]
= {Z = X + i? Y ∈ Cn× n
| X ∈ [A,A],Y ∈ [B,B]}。
In the whole paper, we will express the algorithm in MATLAB style. In ...
ATLAB, for example, the product of a point m × p matrix X =(xij)anda.
Point p×n matrix Y =(yij) Whose element is double precision? Coating point
Numbers can be calculated in the following ways
S = X? Y.
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