Paper Keywords: advertising English; Speech act theory; Conversational implicature theory; Relevance theory; Pragmatics?
Advertising has become an indispensable part of modern social life.
1. A Pragmatic Analysis of English Advertising Language?
1. Speech Act Theory and Its Embodiment in Advertising English?
(1) Speech Act Theory
(2) The expression of speech act theory in advertising English.
2. Conversational implicature theory and its embodiment in advertising English?
(1) Conversational Implicature Theory
(2) The embodiment of conversational implicature theory in advertising English.
3. Relevance theory and its embodiment in advertising English?
(1) relevance theory.
(2) The embodiment of relevance theory in advertising English.
Conclusion: The ultimate goal of advertising is whether English advertising language can accurately convey information and inadvertently stimulate the interest and even purchase desire of reluctant target audience. Analyzing English advertising language from the perspective of pragmatics can provide reference for the choice and innovation of English advertising language.