This is the wisdom of letting nature take its course. The ancients said, "Good winds send me to Qingyun." Zhuang Zhou added, "Those who soar are nine Wan Li." The ancients have long realized that people who want to achieve great things must be good at moving with the wind.
Why should we go ahead with the wind? Everyone is determined to achieve something, but single-handedly, strength is like a drop in the ocean. People who judge the situation will understand that only by the wind will they rise to the top. This opportunity is sometimes the change of society, or the change of the times, or the development of people's lives.
Napoleon was originally a military student studying at the Paris Military School. At that time, during the French Revolution, the situation at home and abroad in France was grim, so he joined the army as an artillery and went to the battlefield. Because of his excellent skills, he became an artillery captain, but he was out of control. With the help of successive promotions, Napoleon accumulated his strength, recruited troops, sized up the situation, and launched a "foggy month coup", becoming a man of the hour in European politics. It can be seen that grasping the pulse of the times and moving forward with the wind are moving towards the vast sea of stars.
"Going with the Wind" is also full of philosophical significance. In fact, it embodies an adaptation to the times. As the old saying goes, "The way of a saint is to fight for it." Although we don't sanctify the Buddha, we also understand its meaning. Kodak started by selling film, made a lot of money and even invented a digital camera. However, this company is only a pioneer of technology, not a pioneer of the times. It does not obey the general trend of digitalization, goes against the wind, sticks to the traditional camera management and finally collapses. People talk about it today with a sigh.
Going with the wind also reflects the grasp of life. Mr. Wang Yangming is the founder of psychology. He and his post-official career are in vain. However, when King Zhu of Ning rebelled, he volunteered to make contributions and put down the rebellion. When others cringed and doubted, he seized the wind and his career was unimpeded from then on. He devoted himself to exploring the light of philosophy within himself. In his later years, Wang Yangming left "This heart is bright, what can a husband ask for?" His last words left the wisdom of an old man who listened to the wind and rain.
Go with the flow, adhere to the road of adaptation in the ups and downs of the world, and distinguish between heaven and man on the road of life.
If you soar, you will surely go with the wind.