Abstract: As we know, for artistic narrative, it is image narrative rather than concept narrative. Mulka Kevin Keegan, a famous aesthete, once said, "Art is not the physical reality itself, but the reflection of reality, the real image mode. (1) Movies are made according to real images or simulated and real scenes, with audio-visual means and narrative functions, and the montage techniques of film narrative are also diversified, which are full of fragmentation, postmodern gameplay and popularization. Compared with film narrative literature, the identity of newcomers is doomed to draw nutrients from a long history and novel tradition. The fable in some plays: the image narrative stands on the shoulders of two giants, the drama narrative and the image narrative. But whether drama is a novel or not, its relationship with literature is the most promising and direct. I translated it with a translator. Keywords: literariness, narrative style, mutual penetration, structural form, time and space
Chapter II Law
Rules, the pole of Fiona Fang; The way of heaven and earth, the rules of operation. Everyone knows there are rules, but they don't know the