[java] View plain copy printing?
Package cn.edu.ouc.five chess;
Import java.awt.color;
Import java.awt.cursor;
Import java.awt.dimension;
Import java.awt.graphics;
Import java.awt.graphics2d;
Import java.awt.image;
Import java.awt.radial gradientpin;
Import java.awt.renderinghints;
Import java.awt.toolkit;
Import java.awt.event.mouseevent;
Import java.awt.event.mouselistener;
Import java.awt.event.mousemotionlistener;
Import java.awt.geom.ellipse2d;
Import javax.swing. *;
* Gobang-Chessboard
The common chessboard extension JPanel realizes MouseListener {
Public static final int MARGIN = 30// margin
public static final int GRID _ SPAN = 35; //Grid spacing
Public static final int rows =15; //Number of chessboard rows
Public static final int cols =15; //Number of chessboard columns
Point[]chess list = new point [(rows+1) * (cols+1)]; //Initially, each array element is empty.
Boolean isBlack = true// The default start is black.
Boolean gameOver = false// Is the game over?
Intchescount//Current number of chessboards
Int xIndex, yIndex// The index of the chess piece that has just been placed.
Image img
Image shadow;
Color colortemp
Public chessboard () {
//set background(color . blue); //Set the background color to orange.
img=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()。 getImage(" board . jpg ");
shadows = toolkit . getdefaulttoolkit()。 getImage(" shadows . jpg ");
addmouse listener(this);
addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener(){
public void mouse dragged(mouse event e){
public void mouse moved(mouse event e){
int x 1 =(e . getx()-MARGIN+GRID _ SPAN/2)/GRID _ SPAN;
//Convert the coordinate position clicked by the mouse into a grid index.
int y 1 =(e . gety()-MARGIN+GRID _ SPAN/2)/GRID _ SPAN;
//The game is over and you can't get off.
//If you fall off the board, you can't get off.
//Chess pieces already exist at X and Y positions, and cannot be removed.
if(x 1 & lt; 0 | | x 1 & gt; ROWS | | y 1 & lt; 0 | | y 1 & gt; COLS | | game over | | find chess(x 1,y 1))
SetCursor (new cursor). DEFAULT _ cursor));
//Set to the default state
Else setCursor (new cursor (cursor. Hand _ cursor));
public void paint component(Graphics g){
super . paint component(g); //Draw a chessboard
int img width = img . getwidth(this);
int img height = img . get height(this); //Get the width and height of the picture.
int FWidth = getWidth();
int FH height = getHeight(); //Get the width and height of the window.
int x =(FWidth-img width)/2;
int y =(FH height-img height)/2;
for(int I = 0; I<= OK; I++){// Draw a horizontal line.
for(int I = 0; I<= COLSI++){// Draw a vertical line.
//Draw chess pieces
for(int I = 0; Me & LTCHESSOUNTI++) {
//grid intersection x, y coordinates
int xPos=chessList[i]。 getX()* GRID _ SPAN+MARGIN;
int yPos=chessList[i]。 getY()* GRID _ SPAN+MARGIN;
g.setColor(chessList[i].getColor()); //Set the color
// g.fillOval(xPos-Point。 Diameter /2, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2,
//point. Diameter, point. Diameter);
//g.drawImage (shadow, xPos-Point.DIAMETER/2, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2, point. Diameter, point. Diameter, empty);
colortemp=chessList[i]。 getColor();
radial gradient paint paint = new radial gradient paint(xPos-Point。 Diameter /2+25, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2+10,20, new floating []{0f, 1f}
, new color [] {color. White, color. Black});
((Graphics2D) g)。 SetPaint;
((Graphics2D) g)。 setRenderingHint(rendering hints。 KEY _ antialiasing, rendering hints. VALUE _ ANTIALIAS _ ON);
((Graphics2D) g)。 setRenderingHint(rendering hints。 KEY _ ALPHA _ interpolation, rendering hints. VALUE _ ALPHA _ interpolation _ default);
else if(color temp = = color . white){
radial gradient paint paint = new radial gradient paint(xPos-Point。 Diameter /2+25, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2+10,70, newly floating []{0f, 1f}
, new color [] {color. White, color. Black});
((Graphics2D) g)。 SetPaint;
((Graphics2D) g)。 setRenderingHint(rendering hints。 KEY _ antialiasing, rendering hints. VALUE _ ANTIALIAS _ ON);
((Graphics2D) g)。 setRenderingHint(rendering hints。 KEY _ ALPHA _ interpolation, rendering hints. VALUE _ ALPHA _ interpolation _ default);
Ellipse2D e = new Ellipse2D。 Floating-point (xPos-Point. Diameter /2, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2, 34, 35);
((Graphics2D) g)。 Fill (e);
//Mark the red rectangular box of the last chess piece.
If(i==chessCount- 1){// If it is the last chess piece,
g . set color(color . red);
g.drawRect(xPos-Point。 Diameter /2, yPos-Point.DIAMETER/2,
34, 35);
Public void mouse pressed (mouse event e) {//Called when the mouse is pressed on the component.
//Game over, no more downloads.
If(gameOver) returns;
String colorName=isBlack? "black chess": "white chess";
//Convert the coordinate position clicked by the mouse into a grid index.
xIndex =(e . getx()-MARGIN+GRID _ SPAN/2)/GRID _ SPAN;
yIndex =(e . gety()-MARGIN+GRID _ SPAN/2)/GRID _ SPAN;
//If you fall off the board, you can't get off.
if(xIndex & lt; 0 ||| Xindex & gt line number ||| y index & lt0 ||| y index & gt cols)
//If a chess piece already exists in the X and Y positions, it cannot be removed.
If(findChess(xIndex, yIndex)) returns;
//Processing that can be completed in progress
Point ch = new point (xIndex, yIndex, isBlack? Color.black: color. white);
chess list[ches count++]= ch;
repaint(); //Notify the system to repaint.
//If you win, you will be prompted. You can't continue playing chess.
String msg=String.format ("Congratulations, %s won!" ,color name);
joptionpane . showmessagedialog(this,msg);
gameOver = true
isBlack=! isBlack
//Override the method of mouseListener
public void mouse clicked(mouse event e){
//Called when the mouse button is clicked on the component.
public void mouse enter(mouse event e){
//Called when the mouse enters the component.
public void mouse exited(mouse event e){
//Called when the mouse leaves the component.
public void mouse released(mouse event e){
//Called when the mouse button is released on the component.
//Find out whether there is a chess piece with index x, y in the chess piece array.
private boolean findChess(int x,int y){
For (point c: chessList){
If (c! = null & amp& ampgetx()= = x & amp; & ampc.getY()==y)
Return true
Returns false
Private Boolean value isWin(){
int continue count = 1; //Number of consecutive fragments
//Look horizontally to the west
for(int x = xIndex- 1; x & gt=0; x - ){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,yIndex,c)! =null){
continue count++;
} Otherwise,
//Look east horizontally
for(int x = xIndex+ 1; x & lt= COLSx++){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,yIndex,c)! =null){
continue count++;
} Otherwise,
if(continue count & gt; =5){
Return true
} Otherwise,
continue count = 1;
//Continue another vertical search.
//Search up
for(int y = yIndex- 1; y & gt=0; y - ){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(xIndex,y,c)! =null){
continue count++;
} Otherwise,
//Look down vertically
for(int y = yIndex+ 1; Y<= line; y++){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(xIndex,y,c)! = empty)
continue count++;
if(continue count & gt; =5)
Return true
continue count = 1;
//Continue the search in another case: diagonal.
//Looking for the Northeast
for(int x=xIndex+ 1,y = yIndex- 1; y & gt= 0 & amp& ampx & lt= COLSx++,y - ){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,y,c)! =null){
continue count++;
else break
//looking for the southwest
for(int x=xIndex- 1,y = yIndex+ 1; X>= 0 & amp& ampy & lt=; lt = line; x -,y++){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,y,c)! =null){
continue count++;
else break
if(continue count & gt; =5)
Return true
Otherwise continue count =1;
//Continue the search in another case: diagonal.
//looking for the northwest
for(int x=xIndex- 1,y = yIndex- 1; x & gt= 0 & amp& ampy & gt=0; x -,y - ){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,y,c)! = empty)
continue count++;
else break
//Look for the southeast direction
for(int x=xIndex+ 1,y = yIndex+ 1; X<= COLS & amp& ampy & lt=; lt = line; x++,y++){
Color c=isBlack? Color. Black: color. White;
if(getChess(x,y,c)! = empty)
continue count++;
else break
if(continue count & gt; =5)
Return true
Otherwise continue count =1;
Returns false
GetChess(int xIndex, int yIndex, Color color){
For (point p: chesslist) (
If (p! = null & amp& ampp . getx()= xIndex & amp; & ampp.getY()==yIndex
& amp& ampp.getColor()==color)
Return p;
Returns null
public void restartGame(){
//Clear chess pieces
for(int I = 0; I< chesslist. length; i++){
chess list[I]= null;
//Restore game-related variable values
isBlack = true
GameOver = false// Is the game over?
ches count = 0; //The current number of chessboards
//regret chess
Public void goback(){
chess list[chess count- 1]= null;
ches count-;
if(ches count & gt; 0){
xIndex = chess list[chess count- 1]。 getX();
yIndex = chess list[chess count- 1]。 getY();
isBlack=! isBlack
//Rectangular dimension
Public dimension getPreferredSize(){
Returns the new dimension (MARGIN*2+GRID_SPAN*COLS, MARGIN*2