Make-up or retake the exam: If the school supports make-up or retake the exam, you can apply for make-up or retake the exam within the specified time and resubmit the paper. But different schools have different rules and regulations, so it is very important to study the manual carefully before school starts.
Complaint: If you have any objection to the paper grade, you can complain to the school. Complaints need to provide relevant evidence and materials to prove the originality and quality of the paper, and explain why the paper was passed. The result of the appeal is decided by the academic Committee of the school.
Choose another topic: if the topic of the paper is not suitable or there is no other way to improve the paper, you can consider choosing another topic, looking for information again and writing the paper.
Ask the tutor for help: If the thesis tutor has any objection to the thesis, he can ask the tutor for help. The tutor may provide some advice or guidance to help you improve your paper.