1. Clarify the theme: Before you start writing, you need to clarify the theme of your paper. This will help you stay focused throughout the writing process and ensure that your summary and conclusion revolve around this topic.
2. Make an outline: An outline can help you organize your thoughts and arguments, thus ensuring the logical coherence between your summary and conclusion. In the outline, you should list your main arguments and the evidence or examples to support them.
3. Use transitional words: Transitional words can help you establish the connection between paragraphs, thus ensuring the coherence of your paper. For example, you can use words such as "however", "on the other hand" and "therefore" to guide readers to transition from one point of view to another.
4. Rereading and revising: After completing the first draft, you should take the time to reread your paper and check whether your abstract and conclusion are consistent with other parts of the paper. If there is any inconsistency, it should be revised accordingly.
5. Get feedback: If possible, you should let others read your paper and provide feedback. They may find logical coherence problems that you haven't noticed.
6. Keep it concise: the abstract and conclusion should be concise and avoid using complicated sentence structures and technical terms. This will help readers to understand your point of view more easily and ensure the logical coherence of your paper.