[serial number] periodical author. Title [J] Title. Publication year, volume (issue): starting and ending page numbers.
[serial number] monograph author. Title [m]. Edition (the first edition can be omitted). Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page numbers.
The author of the [serial number] collection. Title [c]. Edit. The name of the collection. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: starting and ending pages.
[serial number] author of dissertation. Title [D] Storage location: storage unit, year.
[serial number] patent owner. Title of the patent document [P]. Country: patent number. Release date.
[serial number] standard number, standard name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
[serial number] newspaper author. Title. Name and publication date (edition) of the newspaper.
[serial number] Report author. Title [R]. Report location: report organizer, year.
[serial number] The author of the electronic document. Title [Identification of electronic documents and carrier types]. The source and date of the document.
Extended data:
References are continuously coded with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text, and the serial numbers are placed in square brackets. If the file is referenced repeatedly, it is marked with the same serial number in the text. Generally speaking, the page number (or page number range) of a document cited once is listed in the following references.
The format is "publication year" of the work or "year, volume (issue)"+":page number (or page number range) of the periodical. For documents cited many times, list the page number or page number range of each reference in the serial number tag (some publications also regard the information that can indicate the location of the cited documents as page numbers) and put them in square brackets (only numbers are listed, without words and characters such as "P" or "page"; The line in the middle of the page number range is a half-word line) and marked with superscript.
Baidu Encyclopedia-References