The higher the frequency of electromagnetic waves, the stronger the penetration. In domestic broadcast signals, the frequency of AM- medium wave is generally 540 kHz- 1600 kHz, with a wide frequency band and poor signal, while the frequency of FM-FM is generally 88 MHz- 108 MHz, so the signal is much better and is rarely affected by weather such as lightning. The frequency of WIFI is 2.4GHz, which is much larger than FM and has stronger penetration. This is one of them. Moreover, FM and AM are both long-distance signal propagation, which can generally spread tens or hundreds of kilometers, while WIFI can't exceed 50 meters, and the router at home can't even get out. In such a small range, so close to the signal source and high-frequency electromagnetic waves. Where will it be affected by the weather?
For the problem of speed, we should consider the following two aspects:
1, the quality of broadband itself-Great Wall broadband belongs to * * * bandwidth, and there are often dozens of households in one line, few people are fast, but many people are erratic; Another reason is that mobile broadband itself is not very stable and there are few servers. To visit the sites owned by big-name broadband, you have to go through their agents, but the bandwidth of the agents is limited, which is like a spacious road in the province, but there is only one wooden bridge out of the province, which is bound to be crowded with more people, while Xinrui will not. The same ap can connect dozens or even hundreds of terminals at the same time, which is much less affected by the weather.
2, the quality of the router-not to mention the speed of the router that is too cheap, it is normal to connect to the network speed. Even if it costs about 100 yuan, it is inevitable to buy defective products, unstable signals and frequent disconnection.