Generally, you have to spend your own money to contribute something-asking for notice, looking for you or advertising. These are the normal page fees charged by magazines, and they are also one of the income channels of magazines.
Some contributions are submitted to magazines, and articles are exactly what magazines need, so magazines pay the contribution fee.
In fact, it is a question of supply and demand. If you need magazine services, you need to spend money, including the above-mentioned advertisements, various inspirations, papers published at a certain fee, etc. If you work for a magazine and the manuscript you write is exactly what the magazine needs, then the magazine will pay for it.
Extended data:
Classification of donations
1, submitted by members
Member submission: Only members of the website can publish and share information terms, such as posts and articles, on the website.
2. Anonymous submission
Anonymous submission: You can publish and share posts, articles and other information without registering as a member of its website.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Submission
The diversified characteristics of public finance require that the teaching methods of public finance must be more diversified, innovative and keep pace with the times. The f