Contraindications of physical therapy.
Physical factors such as sound, light, electricity, magnetism and heat in physical factor therapy. Most of them can cause local or systemic fever, vigorous blood circulation and enhanced metabolism, peripheral blood vessels dilate, even blood pressure drops, and heartbeat and breathing accelerate. At the same time, many physical factors have significant effects on nucleic acid, enzyme, biofilm and energy metabolism. Based on the above reasons, relative contraindications and absolute contraindications are proposed in the treatment of physical factors. For example, tumors and tuberculosis may cause the spread of tuberculosis and cancer if they are treated with physical factors before using enough anti-cancer and anti-tuberculosis drugs and other treatment methods; If we actively give enough drugs and other effective treatments to physical factors, it will not only be harmful, but also improve the therapeutic effect. Another example is that fever therapy can improve the sensitivity of tumor to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and increase the local drug concentration; Fever therapy can also cause the destruction of tumor cell protoplast structure, the instability of lysosomal membrane, and the inhibition of NDA, RNA and protein synthesis. Physical factor therapy is absolutely taboo for some diseases or diseases at a certain stage. Such as active hemorrhagic disease or bleeding tendency, high fever, women's lower abdomen during menstrual period, metal retention in the body, people with artificial pacemakers, people with extremely weak body and people with loss of skin sensation, it is absolutely forbidden to use high-frequency electrotherapy, ultrasound and hyperthermia. Be extra careful if you need it especially. When using high frequency electrotherapy, no heat should be used. In addition, for some people who are allergic to physical therapy, it is also considered taboo.