Press the Tab key on the keyboard before writing at the beginning of each paragraph, instead of directly indenting the space (the first line is indented). The English abstract should not exceed 960 characters and spaces (about 120 words). Presented in the form of "block", it is not segmented, and the first line is indented by four spaces (the space of two Chinese characters).
The full name of APA is: American Psychological Association. APA officially refers to the American Psychological Association, which is the authoritative organization of American psychologists at present. APA format originated from 1929, which is a widely accepted writing format for research papers.
APA format is mainly used to write papers in the fields of psychology, pedagogy and social science.
Basic format
1. From the top, bottom and edge of the page, the margin is 2.54cm (excluding the manuscript header).
2. Use 1.5 times line spacing everywhere.
3. Courier or Times NewRoman is used in English font, Song typeface is used in Chinese text, the font size is No.5, and the title of paper cover is bold or bold.
4. Align the two ends.
5. The page number starts from the title page, which is the cover page.
6. The first line of the paragraph is indented by four spaces (spaces of two Chinese characters).
7. A series of consecutive individual paragraphs are led by Arabic numerals, followed by dots, and each paragraph ends with a period.