SWOT analysis was originally an internal analysis method of enterprises, that is, according to the established internal conditions of enterprises, to find out the strengths, weaknesses and core competitiveness of enterprises. Where S stands for strength, W stands for weakness, O stands for opportunity and T stands for threat, where S and W are internal causes and O and T are external causes. According to the complete concept of enterprise competitive strategy, strategy should be an organic combination of what an enterprise can do (that is, the advantages and disadvantages of the organization) and what it can do (that is, the opportunities and threats of the environment).
In recent years, SWOT analysis has been widely used in many fields, such as SOWT analysis of an industry, SWOT analysis of personal ability, SWOT analysis of the development of a city and so on.
If you are writing a thesis, analyze it according to these four aspects, then summarize and put forward countermeasures.