A recent paper published in Natural Aging said that the causes of hair loss caused by aging were studied, and researchers from Tokyo University of Medical Dentistry and Tokyo University found this result. The reason why the elderly lose their hair is because the hair follicle stem cells divide abnormally, so they lose their hair. In order to test their ideas, these researchers also used many old mice to carry out experiments. But later, it will be found that young mice will automatically balance these asymmetric cell divisions in the body and regenerate hair follicles, but some older mice will lose this ability.
These cells will undergo some asymmetric cell division, and hair follicles will lose their ability to regenerate and lose their hair. Hair follicles are very small organs all over the body. Hair and body will have hair follicles. Hair follicles will become more and more fragile with age, and some hair follicles will fall off with age. Because every hair is normally in the hair follicle, if the hair follicle falls off or loses its regenerative ability, then hair loss will occur.
With the growth of people's age, nutrients in the body will gradually lose, so hair follicles will gradually age, resulting in no way to make hair grow healthily, so many elderly people will lose their hair. But the truth of this kind of hair loss is only for the elderly, and the hair loss of young people is mainly caused by unhealthy life or genetic factors.