Zhong Wan, Wu Shiyuan, Zhang Guoliang, Some Properties of Integral Quadratic Infinite Programming, Applied Mathematics. Letters, Volume 20, Pages 676-680, 2007. (SCI source journals)
◇ Zhong Wan, Wang Yiju, Convergence of an Accurate Smoothing Algorithm for Solving Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints, Numerical Function Analysis and Optimization, Vol.27 (3-4), pp.485-495, 2006. (sci source magazine, EI
Zhong Wan, Parametric Integer Programming Model with Multi-factor Representation Endorsement, SOC. sci。 , vol. 43 (2), pp. 259-272, 2006. (Source sci Journal)
Qi Lijun, Zhong Wan, Yang, Global Minimization of Normal Quadratic Polynomials Based on Descending Direction, Siam of Optimization Problems. , vol. 15 (1), pp. 275-302, 2005. (collected by SCI and EI.
Zhong Wan, global convergence of modified SQP method for mathematical programming with inequality and equality constraints, inequalities in pure mathematics and applied mathematics. Volume V, page 65438. (included in the American Mathematical Review).
Wan zhong, Zhou Shuzi, feasible conditions for nonlinear complementarity constrained optimization problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.26 (4), pp.646-651,2003. (included in EI)
Zhong Wan, Further Study on the Feasibility of Mathematical Programming with Balance Constraints. Calculate. mathmatics Applications, Volume 44, Page 7- 1 1, 2002. (included in SCI, EI)
Wan zhong, Zhou Shuzi, global convergence algorithm for solving MPEC. Applied Mathematics, Vol. 15, pp. 92-96, 2002.
◇ Zhong Wan, Modified SSQP Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Constrained Mathematical Programming, Journal of Hunan Normal University, Volume 26 (2), Page 9- 12, 200 1. (included in ei)
Wan Zhong, Zhou Shuzi, SQP algorithm for a class of MPEC problems, Applied Mathematics, Volume 14, Page 46-5 1, 200 1.
A Class of Arbitrary Initial Value Algorithms for Wan Zhong, Zhou Shuzi and MPEC Problems, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science Edition), Vol.28, pp.1-5,2001. (included in EI)
Research on optimization of equilibrium constraints. Journal of Central South University of Technology, Volume 33 (2), Page 165- 170, 2002.
Cai, a sufficient condition for the feasibility of a class of problems. Economic Mathematics, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 83-86, 2002.
Lohan, Jiang, Optimal Cutting Model for Rectangular Parts, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science Edition), 3 1(5), 2004. (including EI)
Wan Zhong, Luo Han, Mathematical Model of Seat Allocation, Journal of Hunan University (Natural Science Edition), 200 1, Vol.28 (6). (including EI)
Zhong Wan, Zhou Shuzi, Global Convergence SQP Method for Nonlinear Programming, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Optimization, vol. 1, pp. 38-45. 20061February 5, 438+0, Hong Kong.