The format of citing government documents and organization documents should be "technical standard" or "report".
Format of technical standard: [serial number] standard code, standard name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
Report format: [serial number] author. Document title [R]. Report location: report organizer, year.
Introduction of references: The following symbols can be used for references: ":"is used for subtitle, caption, publisher, producer, and the number of pages of documents separated from continuous publications; ","is used for the follow-up person in charge, publication year, production year, patent document type, patent country, volume number, part number and original document title of documents separated from continuous publications;
Used for serial number, serial number and subsequent "position in the original document" items; "()" is used as qualifier, issue number, part number, newspaper version, producer and production year; []' is used for document type identification and the author's own description; "?" Except for the above items, all the other descriptive items are followed by "?" Number.