1.** Research field * *: First determine which subject field your research belongs to. Different journals usually focus on specific disciplines or sub-disciplines.
2.** Impact factor * *: Impact factor is an index to measure the influence of a journal, but it is not the only standard. Journals with high impact factors usually have higher acceptance rate and wider readership, but they may also be more competitive.
3.** Open Access * *: Consider whether to select open access journals. Open access journals usually charge a publishing fee, but they allow anyone to get your articles for free.
4.** Auditing speed * *: Different journals have different auditing speeds. If you want to publish as soon as possible, you can choose a journal with a shorter review time.
5.** The reputation of the journal * *: Check the history of the journal, the editorial team and the cooperative relationship with other famous scholars and evaluate its reputation.
6.** Audience * *: Consider who your target audience is and where they can find relevant research materials. Choose a magazine that matches your target audience.
7.** Format requirements * *: Please read the Author's Guide carefully to ensure that you can meet all the format and submission requirements.