Comparison of ZigBee Technology Related Standards
Zigbee is the technical standard of wireless ad hoc network, which is formulated by Zigbee alliance. In recent years, IETF has also formulated the technical system of 6Lowpan wireless ad hoc network for the Internet of Things, including 6Lowpan, IPv6, ROLL RPL networking routing and CoAP application layer standards. With the advantages of openness, free, massive address space and seamless integration with the Internet, it has attracted more and more attention, and has been adopted by Zigbee IP (Smart Grid), ETSI M2M, ISA 100 industrial standards. Therefore, it is necessary to compare two technical standards: performance index Zigbee 6Lowpan physical layer IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.4 or 802. 15.4g working band 2.4 GHz or Sub-GHz networking protocol AODV routing, which is suitable for RPL networking routing under the condition of very stable wireless signals and has high flexibility. Routing nodes cannot sleep, and routing nodes that cannot be powered by batteries can sleep. The battery-powered gateway needs a very complex application-layer dedicated gateway, which belongs to IPv6 technology, and the integration of gateway and HTTP is not supported. Complex conversion and seamless HTTP conversion are required, and the integration is convenient. End-to-end communication is not supported, and neither is TCP/IP system. Zigbee, which belongs to IPv6 system, uses private address in the network, the address is 16 or 64 bits, and the address is limited. Internet hosts cannot access the unique IPv6 address in the world, and the address is 128 bits. Never run out, Internet hosts can directly access open standards, protocol stacks are not open source standards, open source and free customization of protocol stacks cannot be modified, and customization can be modified at will to form the most suitable solution for application requirements. Product certification requires certification or joining an alliance. High cost, no need for authentication, development interface, Zigbee special interface, universal interface similar to Socket, network simulation, and no related simulation software such as Cooja, which is very helpful for protocol verification and publishing papers. Open source support involves copyright issues, which conflicts with GPL protocol. Open source organizations do not support Zigbee open source organizations to promote it vigorously. It ensures the development trend of technology. Zigbee is an isolated protocol, which was formulated earlier and then gradually declined. It has been adopted by Zigbee IP, ETSI M2M, ISA100.11A and other standards, and it is most likely to become the de facto standard. In addition, foreign researchers have also made a detailed comparative analysis of the two technologies, that is, zigbee VS 6Lowpan is used in sensor networks.