This is the algorithm of the pork price prediction model that I tried in the school before. Please refer to.
Clear; clc
% P = 0:0. 1:2 * pi; t = sin(P); pnew = 0:0.0 1:2 * pi;
p = 1985:2009;
T=[33 139.6, ...
337 19. 1,32773,3422 1.8,3528 1,36240.8,36964.6,3842 1,39300,4 146 1.9, ...
44 169.2,36283.6,40034.8,42256.3,43 144.2,4 1633.6,4 1950.5,4 1776.2, ...
4 138 1.8,42 123.4,433 19. 1,4 1850.4,43989.5,46264,48204.8];
[pn,minp,maxp,tn,mint,maxt]=premnmx(P,T); %
net = newff(minmax(pn),[5 6 1],{'tansig ',' logsig ',' purelin'},' trainlm ');
% net = init(net);
net . train param . show = 50; % shows the interval steps of training results.
net . train param . epochs = 10000; % Maximum number of training steps
net . train param . goal = 0.0 1; % training target error
net . train param . lr = 0.05;
pnew = 1985:20 10;
plot(P,T,' * ',pnew,tnew,' r ');
% P = 0:2 * pi; t = sin(P); pnew = 0:0. 1:2 * pi;
1, the materials of contact lenses are: silicone hydrogel water and polymers including methyl methacryl