Maslow studied what he called master species, such as Albert Einstein, jane adams, Eleanor Roosevelt and Frederick Douglass, instead of psychopaths or neurotics. He wrote: "Incomplete, immature and unhealthy specimens can only produce lame psychology and lame philosophy." ? : 236 1% Maslow's health status of college students.
Maslow's theory was published in his book What? Motivation and personality "have been fully expressed. In sociological research, management training, and middle school and higher psychology teaching, hierarchy is still a very popular framework.
1? Maslow? ( 1943).? The story of human movement. ? Psychological review. ? 50? (4):370_96.?
2? M., Will, Evelyn. ? Theoretical basis. ? ISBN? 978 145 1 1903 1 1.? OCLC? 857664345.
3? Maslow, A( 1954). ? Motivation and personality. New york, NY: Harper. ? ISBN? 0-06-04 1987-3.