Network planning designer belongs to the advanced qualification examination of soft test, including comprehensive knowledge, case analysis and thesis, and the passing score of each subject is basically stable at 45 points. The exam of network planning designer in soft exam needs to pass all subjects in one exam to be qualified. The passing score of a single subject is not retained and cannot be transferred to the next exam.
The standards for passing the soft test are determined by the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Information Industry after each test, and are scored according to the comprehensive level of the national candidates' test scores. The annual qualification score is not fixed. Only when all subjects in each level of qualification examination have passed can they be considered qualified. The results of passing a single subject will not be retained and cannot be transferred to the next exam.
Tips: Due to the constant change and adjustment of examination policies and contents, the above information provided by Hunting Examination Network is for reference only. If you have any objection, please refer to the contents published by the authoritative department!
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