1. 1 Mathematical Modeling and Innovative Education
1.2 Basic concepts and modeling examples of mathematical modeling
Basic concepts of mathematical modeling 1.2. 1
1.2.2 Some modeling examples
1.3 Common methods and steps of establishing mathematical model
Exercise 1
Chapter II Mathematical Models in Daily Life
2. 1 Mathematical model of rainfall when people walk in the rain
2.2 Optimization of cinemas
2.3 thrilling acrobatic design
2.4 Purchase owing on the loan problem
2.5 the cause of the rainbow
2.6 evacuation problem
2.7 the effect of double glazing
2.8 Empirical model of advertising cost and its effect
2.8. 1 empirical model and parameter estimation
2.8.2 Empirical model of advertising cost and its effect
Exercise 2
Chapter III Differential Equation Model
3. 1 Mathematical model for launching lunar objects
3.2 Differential equation model of population growth
3.3 Disposal of radioactive waste
3.4 Differential equation model of infectious diseases
3.5 Mathematical model of losing weight
3.6 Mathematical model of skateboard optimization design
3.7 Lake water pollution problem
3.8 Several mathematical models related to war
3.8. 1 Mathematical model of lethality of strategic nuclear weapons
3.8.2 Richardson's arms race theory
3.8.3 Mathematical model of war victory or defeat
Exercise 3
Chapter IV Optimization Model
4. 1 Optimization Method Initialization
4. 1. 1 Graphical solution of two-dimensional optimization problem
4. 1.2 relaxation variable method
4. 1.3 penalty function method
4. 1.4 simplex method
4. 1.5 branch and bound method
4.2 River pollution and purification
4.3 Nutritional catering problems
4.4 Optimal Investment Problem
4.5 Optimal planning model of production and inventory
Exercise 4
Chapter 5 Elementary Probability Model
5. 1 probability theory foundation and application examples
5. Basic concept of1.1
5. 1.2 random variables and their distribution
5. Two numerical characteristics of1.3 random variables
Chapter VI Graph Theory and Its Application
Chapter VII Analytic Hierarchy Process and Its Application
The exercises refer to the answers or tips.
refer to