In my opinion, the first is the impact on the software industry, because the realization of quantum hegemony will make computers more advanced, which includes all the writing, proofreading and testing of software codes, so there is no need for manual inspection, that is, a simple language system can help solve all the basic computer problems in the world. It is still terrible to think that many people will lose their jobs in the future.
The second is that for the machinery manufacturing industry, the future equipment may be fully automated. When making, people just need to click on the instructions, and they will help you design the most perfect one, and then print out the drawings. It can be said that it is completely made by computer equipment and does not need human operation.
Of course, these are the above ideas. Referring to the panic of robots decades ago, even Google still has a lot to go in the future, and it will not be completely replaced by computers in a short time. At present, human beings still dominate other species, and we in Qi Xin need to work together. In other words, materials science and life science can only be completed by human beings, and no matter how powerful a computer is, it cannot be operated.