Ownership method
This is a method to retrieve documents according to their titles. Generally used to find books, periodicals and individual documents.
Author's method
This is a method to find documents according to the names of known authors. Through the author's way, we can retrieve the main literature information of an author's special research.
Digital path
This is a way to find documents by known numbers. Such as patent number index, standard number index of standard documents, etc.
Other ways
Searching the index of the required literature through special channels is an auxiliary retrieval method. Such as drug name index, molecular formula index, etc.
Document retrieval steps
Document retrieval is a process of searching documents according to the requirements of the subject and using retrieval tools according to certain steps. The scientific arrangement of retrieval steps is called retrieval strategy. Retrieval strategy is an information retrieval scheme designed for retrieval problems, which adopts retrieval interview and technology to achieve a certain precision and recall. Literature retrieval generally goes through the following steps:
Analyze the theme and formulate the retrieval strategy.
First of all, we should understand the purpose and significance of the subject, make clear the theme, research points and main characteristics of the subject, and then formulate retrieval strategies according to the characteristics and retrieval requirements of the subject. The formulation of retrieval strategy includes retrieval problems, the selection of retrieval methods, the selection of retrieval tools, and the limitation of retrieval scope (specialty, time, language, and literature type), among which the most important thing is to determine retrieval marks, such as keywords, subject words, classification numbers, authors, author units, etc. A search query expression consists of a search identifier according to a Boolean logical relationship.
Using retrieval tools to find literature clues
According to the needs of subject retrieval, select relevant retrieval tools, then use the constructed retrieval questions to find relevant indexes according to the corresponding retrieval ways, and then find corresponding literature clues in the literature part or title record part according to the addresses indicated by the indexes, such as title, content summary, author and author unit, literature source, etc.
The original document is required according to the source.
First of all, the source of the document should be identified by the document type, and the abbreviation should be restored to the original name. Then according to the full name of the literature source, find the corresponding collection catalogue and collect it to the collection unit, and then borrow or copy the original text.