History of American Diplomatic Thought (600,000 words)
People's Publishing House, 2007
Hostility and Crisis Era: Sino-US Relations1954-1958 (450,000 words)
Social Science Literature Publishing House, 2003
American Immigration Policy and Asian Immigration (250,000 words)
China Social Sciences Press 1999 Edition
Other works
American-Soviet Relations during the Cold War, Peking University Press, 2006.
The History of World Civilization will be published soon by China Social Sciences Press.
Contemporary America, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 2000.
The Evolution of American Asia-Pacific Policy, Shandong People's Publishing House, 1995.
Three translated works
China and South Asia (volume editor), American Intelligence Assessment on China, Volume 8,
Shanghai Century Publishing Group, 2009 edition.
2000 American election (only)
China Social Sciences Press, Cultural Section of American Embassy in China, 2000.
Four main research papers
Cold War Island Roundtable Review,
H-Diplo, Vol.10, No.5 (2009), pp. 10- 14.
American Policy and Response to India-Pakistan War 1965 (15000 words)
World History, No.2, 2008
Kissinger-Nixon's "Big Idea", Nixon Doctrine and the Transformation of the Cold War (13000 words)
Journal of Nankai University No.5, 2007
Establish a "fortress of Asian opposition expansion" (8000 words)
Research on the International History of the Cold War (Beijing), No.3.
Responding to the Crisis Planned by Karl Marx (20,000 words)
Research on the International History of the Cold War, No.3..
Bushism and the Inheritance and Development of American Diplomatic Thought Tradition (12000 words)
Contemporary World and Socialism (Beijing), No.5, 2006.
Diplomacy and the Third World in the Kennedy-Johnson Period (15000 words)
American Studies, No.2, 2006,
American Social Science and Bushism (1 1000 words)
Journal of Nankai University (Tianjin)No. 1 2006
1958 the influence of the bombing of kinmen on sino-Soviet relations (word 10000).
China Social Sciences, Volume 26, No.2 (Summer 2005)
American Policy, the "Special Relationship" between Britain and America and the Second Taiwan Province Strait Crisis (word 10000)
Journal of Hebei Normal University (Shijiazhuang) No.3, 2004
Sino-Indian Border Conflict and Soviet Response and Policy (30,000 words)
Historical Research (Beijing), No.3, 2003
India's foreign policy, relations between major powers and
Sino-Indian border conflict 1962 (12000 words)
China Social Sciences, Volume 24, No.2 (Summer 2003)
1959 10 sino-Soviet talks (12000 words)
Information on the Party History of China (Beijing),No. 1, 2003.
Taiwan Province Strait Crisis, Sino-US Relations and the Cold War in Asia (13000 words)
Historical Monthly (Kaifeng),No. 10, 2002.
Nuclear Weapons, American Policy and the First Taiwan Province Strait Crisis (18000 words)
Exploring America, Northeast Normal University Press, 2002.
America's Central Asia Policy and Its Influence after 9 1 1 Incident (8000 words)
World Economic and Political Forum (Nanjing),No. 1, 2002.
The Development of China's Nuclear Weapons and the Breakdown of Sino-Soviet Relations (2 15000 words)
Research on Contemporary China History (Beijing), No.5, 200 1.
The Development of China's Nuclear Weapons and the Breakdown of Sino-Soviet Relations (1 17000 words)
Research on Contemporary China History (Beijing), No.3, 200 1.
Second, Taiwan Province Strait Crisis and Sino-Soviet Relations (150000 words)
2 1 century (Hong Kong), April 2006, 5438+0.
The change of the concept of national interests and its influence on national security and diplomatic decision-making (word 12000)
World Economy and Politics (Beijing),No. 12, 2000.
Global problems and their challenges to China (7000 words)
Journal of PLA Institute of International Relations (Nanjing), No.2, 2000.
National interest: from theoretical concept to national strategy (9000 words)
International Security and Security Strategy, Military Science Press, 2000.
China, the United States and the End of the First Taiwan Province Strait Crisis (14000 words)
Review of International Relations, vol. 1, Nanjing University Press, 2000.
"New Cold War History" and the Research Trend of Contemporary American Diplomatic History (10000 words)
American Studies (Beijing), 1999, 1.
American Historians and the Taiwan Province Strait Crisis in 1950s (below, 15000 words)
Research on Contemporary China History (Beijing), No.5, 1998.
American Historians and the Taiwan Province Strait Crisis in 1950s (I, 16000 words)
Research on Contemporary China History (Beijing), No.4, 1998.
Southeast Asian Refugees and American Refugee Law1980 (words11000)
World History (Beijing), No.4, 1998.
Mao Zedong's Strategic Conception and Deployment for Solving the Taiwan Province Problem (8000 words)
Research on Mao Zedong's Military Thought (Changsha), No.5, 1998.
Rudolph Vicoli and the Study of American Immigration History (12000 words)
Research on Historical Theory (Beijing), No.3, 1998.
The Basic Trend and Potential Impact of American Immigration Policy Reform (8000 words)
World Economy and Politics (Beijing), No.5, 1997.
On the detention policy of Japanese-American citizens during World War II (12000 words)
Studies on Japan (Baoding), No.4, 1997.
1952 the influence of immigration law on Asian immigrants and Asian groups (9000 words)
Journal of Northeast Normal University (Changchun), No.2, 1997
The Impact of American Immigration Law 1965 on Asian Immigrants and Asian Groups (12000 words)
American Studies (Beijing), 1997, 1.
Roosevelt, Churchill and the Atomic Bomb (9000 words)
Journal of Yanbian University (Yanji), No.2, 1996
America's Strategy of Ending the Pacific War and the Use of Atomic Bombs (word 12000)
World History (Beijing), No.4, 1995.
American Policy and Japan's War Compensation after World War II (13000 words)
Lanzhou Academic Journal (Lanzhou), No.6, 1994.
Samuel F. bemis, American diplomatic historian (10000 words)
World History Research Trends (Beijing),No. 1993,No. 1 1.
Atoms in Diplomacy —— On Atomic Diplomacy by Alpay Rowitz
American Studies (Beijing), No.3, 1993.
A Study on American Nuclear Strike Policy against China during the Korean War (1 1000 words)
Journal of Qingdao University (Qingdao),No. 1992,No. 1.
American research on Japan's use of atomic bombs (9000 words)
World History Research Trends (Beijing), No.6, 199 1.
From Casablanca to Hiroshima (8000 words)
Research on Foreign Issues (Changchun), No.4, 199 1.
Atomic Bomb and American Far East Military Strategy (8000 words)
Military history (Beijing), No.6, 1990.
Academic summary and book review
Based on International Historical Research: Comment on the Origin of the Boxer Rebellion (4000 words)
Journal of Social Sciences (Shanghai), No.909.
The latest achievements of Korean scholars in studying the Korean War (9000 words)
Extensive reading (Beijing)No. 1 2004.
A Summary of the International Symposium on China and Its Peripheral Relations during the Cold War (1 1000 words)
Historical Research (Beijing), No.3, 2003
Deep thinking on the theory of international relations (6000 words)
Review of International Relations, vol. 1, Nanjing University Press, 2000.
A Study of American History in China Facing the New Century (8000 words)
American Studies (Beijing), No.4, 1999.
A Review of American Immigration Policy Research (6000 words)
Historical research (Beijing), No.3, 1998.
Modernization and a new perspective of American history research (8000 words)
American Studies (Beijing), No.3, 1997.
Immigrant culture and the study of American racial history (5000 words)
Journal of Northeast Normal University (Changchun), No.6, 1995.