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(4) Deng Jianhui, Feng Dingxiang, Ge Xiurun, Gu, Back Analysis Model and Optimization Algorithm of Elastic Modulus Displacement of Multi-media Slope, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1997, 19 (3): 22-27.
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(9) Deng, JH&Li, see 200 1. Back analysis of displacement of a steep slope in the Three Gorges Project site. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 38 (2): 259-268.
⑽ Deng Jianhui, Ge Xiurun, Back Analysis of Slope Displacement of Three Gorges Permanent Shiplock, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2004,23,2902 ~ 2906.
⑾ Deng Jianhui, Ma Shuishan, Wang, Preliminary Study on the Revival Mechanism of Mao Ping Landslide in Geheyan Reservoir of Qingjiang River, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2003,22 ⑽:1730-1737.
⑿ Deng Jianhui, Wei Jinbing, Hong Min, Three-dimensional analysis method of landslide stability based on the concept of strength reduction (I): Inverse analysis of shear strength parameters of sliding zone soil, Geotechnical Mechanics, 2003,24 [6]: 896-900.
[13] Deng Jianhui, Hong Min, Mei Songhua. Three-dimensional analysis method of landslide stability based on the concept of strength reduction (Ⅱ): Calculation of safety factor of reinforcement, Geotechnical Mechanics, 2004,25 [6]: 871-875.
Deng Zhixian, Wei, Zheng Jianbin, Min, H, Tan, LG&Lee, see 2005. Response of ancient landslide to reservoir impoundment: an example. China science series. (in print)
⒂ Deng, Tan, LG, Yang, Li, see "Three-dimensional Stability Evaluation of Multi-sliding Direction Reinforced Landslide", Canadian Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (in publication).