Last name, first name or first name. Year. The name of the annual report. Place of publication: publishing house.
For example:
People's Bank of China. In 2020. China monetary policy implementation report. Beijing: China Finance Press.
If it is an online annual report, you need to indicate the website address and visit date in the references, and the format is as follows:
Last name, first name or first name. Year. The name of the annual report. Place of publication: publishing house. Website. Date of visit.
For example:
People's Bank of China. In 2020. China monetary policy implementation report. Beijing: China Finance Press. /zhengcehuobisi/125207/12521254361125469/125475.
It should be noted that different academic fields and different journals may have slightly different requirements for the format of references. Therefore, when writing references, it is suggested to carefully consult the format requirements of references in related fields or periodicals and write in strict accordance with the specifications.