Tools: computer, WPS.
1. Open the document to which references need to be added, and select the "Citation" option in the menu bar.
2. In the "Reference" option, find and click the "Insert Endnote" button, and the endnote symbol will appear in the document.
3. Enter the relevant information of the reference under the endnote symbol, including the author, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number and page number.
4. Repeat the above steps and add other references.
5. Click the "Insert Reference" button where references need to be cited.
6. In the reference dialog box that pops up, select the endnote option.
7. In endnote options, select endnote numbers to be referenced, such as [1], [2] and [3].
8. Click the "Insert" button and WPS will automatically insert the corresponding reference.