SIFT was put forward by David Lowe in 1999 and perfected in 2004? . In the feature description of digital images, SIFT can be called the hottest one. Many people improved SIFT, and a series of variants of SIFT were born. SIFT has applied for a patent.
SIFT feature is based on some local appearance points of interest on the object, which has nothing to do with the size and rotation of the image. Tolerance to light, noise and micro-angle changes is also quite high. Based on these characteristics, they are very important and relatively easy to retrieve. It is easy to identify objects in a feature library with a huge mother number, and there are few misunderstandings.
The detection rate of some objects covered by SIFT feature description is also quite high, even more than three SIFT object features are enough to calculate the position and orientation. At present, the speed of computer hardware and feature library are small, and the recognition speed can be close to real-time operation. SIFT features a large amount of information, which is suitable for fast and accurate matching in massive databases.