First, I failed the exam. In college, learning is the most important thing, after all, it is related to whether we can graduate smoothly. For us college students, failure is really a shame. At the end of each semester, everyone is most concerned about the exam results. After all, teachers will try their best to teach you all the knowledge for everyone's smooth graduation, and sometimes they will "release water" on your grades to let you pass the passing line smoothly. If you can't pass this level, you will lose your identity as a college student.
Second, informed criticism. Sometimes we will violate some taboos and regulations, and as a result, we will be caught by the school and thus be informed criticism by the whole school. For example, we clearly know that illegal electrical appliances are prohibited in student dormitories, but for convenience, we still use them secretly, and the school found them on the spot. As an adult and sensible college student, it is really shameful to be labeled as a "model" of criticism and education by the whole school.
Third, confession failed. To say what is the most shameful thing for college students, the first thing to say is confession failure. There is no doubt that it takes a lot of courage to express our feelings to someone in public. For us, confessing failure on the spot is like playing a joke in front of people, and we can't wait to find a hole to drill on the spot. After all, for college students, face and dignity are quite fancy.
Although shame is a shameful thing, which often makes us doubt whether our dignity has disappeared, it is precisely because of shame that we deeply remember it, so that we can learn more and try to correct our shortcomings and deficiencies. Shame is not terrible. The terrible thing is that I don't know how to make up for it.