First of all, the articles published in Managing the World should focus on some actual economic management in China, with rich information and standardized writing. The article in Managing the World magazine needs to sort out the previous literature and explain the contribution of these documents to this study.
Secondly, Management World magazine does not limit its research methods, and can adopt quantitative and qualitative research methods, but the research methods adopted need to be carried out in strict accordance with academic norms. If experimental research is involved, respondents should not choose undergraduates. If the research questions are more in line with the actual situation of undergraduates, they can be considered separately. In addition, in the peer review process of the journal editorial department, if the editorial staff asks the author for the research data of the article, the author should provide the data truthfully. At the same time, if the readers of the article ask for the research data used in the article after publication, the author should also provide it and indicate the source of these data.
Finally, when submitting a manuscript, we must pay attention to the format requirements. The first page of the article should provide Chinese and English titles, and the Chinese abstract should be kept within 300 words, providing 3~5 keywords. In addition, the author's name and contact information should be attached. In addition, there can be no content that reveals the author's private information except the home page. At the same time, it should be noted that all references submitted are marked at the end of the article, and the number of references should be continuous. It is also worth noting that the content of the article should be concise and the length of the article should match its research contribution to some extent.
From the above, we can find that the management world has strict requirements on the title and format of articles, because core journals have strict requirements on the content and quality of articles. Therefore, it is still difficult to publish papers in this journal.