How does quantum become a computer? How to understand the "silicon-based spin qubit"? How will quantum computers in China develop in the future?
What is quantum? How does quantum become a computer?
Quantum is not a specific physical quantity. 1900, Planck first put forward the concept of quantum. Planck assumes that when light radiation interacts with matter, its energy is not continuous, but one after another, and an "energy" is called quantum. Einstein believed that the energy of light radiation itself is "quantized", and one energy is the smallest unit of light energy.
According to the different laws of physical motion, scientists call the world composed of substances that obey the classical laws of motion "classical world" and the world composed of substances that obey the laws of quantum mechanics "quantum world". "Quantum" is the general term for material objects in the quantum world. It can be microscopic particles such as photons, electrons, atoms, nuclei and elementary particles, or macroscopic quantum systems such as Bose-Einstein condensation, superconductors and Schrodinger cats.