(1) 5 international conference papers
2 Luo Xianping, Que, Qiu Tingsheng, et al. Experimental study on improving the separation of lead and zinc from refractory lead-zinc ores. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pollution Control and Environment. Reuse of solid waste' 2001ISBN 7-81061-456-8/z.027.
3 Luo Xiaoping, Yan Qing, Peng Hongqing. Study on extraction of gold (Ⅰ) from gold-bearing polysulfide solution. It was accepted by the international hydrometallurgy conference in 2004.
(2) 12 Chinese core publications
5 Luo Xianping, Qiu Ting, Yan Zhiming, et al. Study on new flotation separation technology of lead and zinc in Huili zinc mine. Nonferrous Metals (Mineral Processing Part), 2002, (3): 1-4
6 Luo Xianping, Qiu Ting, Hu Jiulin, et al. Experimental study on mineral processing technology of a complex lead-zinc mine. Nonferrous Metals (Mineral Processing Part), 2003, (4):1-3,27.
(3) 1 1 provincial journals.
2 1 Luo xianping, Qiu Ting province, Fu. Thermodynamic study on magnetic field enhanced thiourea gold extraction process, Journal of Southern Metallurgical Institute,1999,20 (4): 248-251.
22 Luo Xianping, Qiu Tingsheng, Fang, et al. Theory of magnetic processing technology and its application in mining and metallurgy. Journal of Southern Metallurgical Institute, 200 1, 22 (2): 85-89.
23 Luo Xianping, Fang, et al. Screening and mechanism study of highly effective organic inhibitors for pyrite in low alkaline medium. Jiangxi Science, 200 1, 15 (2): 79-83.
25 Luo Xianping, Qiu Ting, Yan Qun, et al. Research progress and development direction of chemical extraction technology of weathered crust residual rare earth ore. Journal of Southern Metallurgical Institute, 2002, (5): 1-6.
(4) 3 papers from domestic conferences.
27. Luo Xianping is from Qiu Ting. Research and practice of improving lead and zinc beneficiation indexes in Huili Zinc Mine. See: Summary of 2003 National Technical Exchange Conference on Efficient Exploitation of Mineral Resources and Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal. Kunming. 2003: 18 1- 184。
Luo Xianping, Qiu Ting, Hu Jiulin, et al. Experimental study on comprehensive recovery of phosphorus resources from tailings of Lala copper mine. See: Proceedings of the Academic Conference on Exploitation, Utilization and Protection of Mineral Resources in Western China. Urumqi 2003: 247-249.