Chinese abstract 4-6
English abstract 6
1 introduction 10-26
1. 1 project cost information 10- 18
1. 1. 1 concept, characteristics and classification of engineering cost information 10- 12
1. 1.2 main contents of project cost information 12- 14
1. 1.3 Project cost data accumulation 14- 15
1. 1.4 concept and characteristics analysis of engineering cost index 15- 18
1.2 grey theory 18- 19
1.3 Status of information collection and compilation of engineering cost index at home and abroad 19-2 1
1.3. 1 information collection and compilation of foreign engineering cost index 19-20
1.3.2 Information collection and compilation of domestic engineering cost index 20-2 1
1.4 Project Proposal 2 1-22
1.5 purpose and significance of the project 22-23
1.6 Main contents of this article 23-26
2 China project cost index compilation data compilation 26-56
2. 1 China project cost index compilation data classification 26-37
2. 1. 1 price information 26-29
2. 1.2 Rate information 29-34
2. 1.3 has become the project cost data 34-37
2.2 China project cost index compilation data collection 37-55
2.2. 1 price information collection 37-44
2.2.2 Collection of Rate Information 44-45
2.2.3 Collection of project cost data
2.3 Overview of this chapter 55-56
3 China project cost index compilation 56-90
3. 1 Determination of compilation scope of China project cost index 56-64
3. 1. 1 Principles for determining the compilation scope of project cost index 56-57
3. 1.2 Establishment of domestic and international project cost index system 57-6 1
3. 1.3 Determination of compilation scope of engineering cost index 6 1-64
3.2 Compilation of Project Cost Index 64-89
3.2. 1 Basic theory of compiling project cost index 64-67
3.2.2 Compilation of Individual Price Indices
3.2.3 Compilation of Comprehensive Cost Index 76-84
3.2.4 Compilation of Construction Project Cost Index 84-89
3.3 Overview of this chapter 89-90
4 Research on the Application of Engineering Cost Index 90- 102
4. 1 project cost prediction model 90-93
4. 1. 1 Selection of project cost prediction model 90
4. 1.2 theoretical framework of grey system prediction model 90-93
4.2 Project Cost Index Application Case 93-97
4.2. 1 Project Cost Index Prediction Case 93-95
4.2.2 Application Example of Engineering Cost Index 95-97
4.3 Establishment of Project Cost Information Website 97- 102
4.3. 1 Main functions of project cost information network 98
4.3.2 Development and construction of database 98
4.3.3 Information content and network application of engineering cost information network 98-99
4.3.4 Technical Analysis of Engineering Cost Information Network 99- 102
5 Conclusion and prospect
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