Questions that can be discussed:
1. What kind of internet addiction do college students show? Abuse? Addiction? Or is it a disorder?
2. If it is biased towards behavioral disorders, can Internet addiction apply the existing behavioral disorder analysis model, such as DSM-IV? Of course, you'd better say yes, or you'll have to come up with an analysis model yourself. ...
3. If addiction is the first choice, it should be classified as substance addiction (such as alcohol and drugs) or non-substance addiction (behavioral addiction);
4. Is there a significant difference between college students and ordinary people in their susceptibility to Internet addiction (statistical data is needed)? Or whether there are susceptibility differences (gender differences and age differences, etc. ) among college students;
5. What are the main symptoms of this kind of abuse or behavior disorder among college students-are depression, anxiety and compulsive behavior common?
6. Prevention and treatment of Internet addiction: For example, content control software (such as filtering search results of search engines) can be used to prevent several kinds of Internet addiction, or cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat it? In this regard, we can actively strengthen and passively punish Kan Kan's words.
There's no way to change the subject. After all, Internet addiction involves too many classifications and many definitions are controversial, so I can't think of any good topics at the moment.