Dystopia (English: dystopia, Cacotopia, kakotopia or dystopia; ; Chinese is also called dystopia, enemy country, evil country, desperate country or abandoned country, which is the antonym of utopia, and Greek literally means "the land of evil". It is an unwelcome and frightening imaginary community or society, which runs counter to the ideal society and is an extremely bad social final form. Dystopia is often characterized by anti-humanity, totalitarian government, ecological disaster or other disastrous social decline. This kind of society appears in many works of art, especially stories set in the future. Utopia appears in many sub-genres of fictional works and is often used to remind people of problems related to environment, politics, economy, religion, psychology, morality, ethics, science and technology in the real world. If we ignore these problems, it may lead to dystopia.
What do you learn about sports dance in college?
Learn ballroom dancing, waltz, cha-cha, etc.
Ballroom dance is an internatio