Numbers and western letters in the title and text are in TimesNewRoman font. The full text does not exceed 5000 words and the layout does not exceed 5 pages.
Second, the structure of the article.
The paper should include title, author's name, author's unit and mailing address, abstract, keywords, text, references, author's brief introduction, etc.
Among them, the title, author's name, author's unit, mailing address, postal code, abstract and keywords of the paper are expressed in Chinese and English respectively. The paper should be complete and concise, including the necessary research background, research methods, research results and analysis. , and should remain the main
Third, the paper format.
Thesis title: No.3 bold, one row in the middle, one row above the text.
Author's name: italicized small three, in the middle row, there is a full case between the two names, and the authors are distinguished by commas.
Author's unit and mailing address: in the order of province name, city name and postcode, the fifth song style, the middle row, all contents are put in brackets.