2) Force
Exponent is used to calculate the exponent of the contribution of material stiffness term in instantaneous normal force.
Generally, it is above 1.5. Its value range is force.
The index is greater than 1, which is 2 or even 3 for rubber; For metals, 1.3 ~ 1.5 is commonly used.
Damping defines the damping characteristics of contact materials. The value range is damping greater than or equal to 0, which is usually 0. 1 ~ 1 of the stiffness value.
4) Permeability
Depth defines complete damping (complete
Damping) when the penetration value. When the cross value is zero, the damping coefficient is zero; ADAMS/Solver uses cubic step function to solve the damping coefficient between these two points. Its value range is infiltration.
Depth ≥0
Other setting options need to be defined according to the type of collision force to be analyzed. If you just want to get an image, it's easy. If you want to write in a paper, all the parameters you design should have accurate basis.