Abstraction: abstraction. It is a brief summary of the research paper and usually appears at the beginning. It is the most concentrated essence of a paper to report the research purpose and results concisely. So that readers can quickly and accurately know what the research work described in this paper is about.
Secondly, abstraction needs to be clear about four things:
Problems and objectives of this paper:
Abstract: First of all, we should make clear the research purpose of this paper. Before this, we can provide some social or academic background related to the research topic, and then state the research objectives of the paper after determining the problems.
2. Research methods:
brief and to the point
3. The main results or arguments of the research:
Try to highlight the most important findings so that readers can understand the main abstract of the paper.
4. The conclusion of the study.
Note: Abstracts are generally around 150-300 words, and there is usually a strict word limit. Be sure to check the requirements of contributing journals. In a dissertation, the abstract is very long and needs to be placed on a separate page before the table of contents.