2. Hydrophobicity in metal chelate affinity chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 2005,33 (10):1376 ~1380, the first author (included in SCI).
3. Method, Principle and Application of Affinity Chromatography-protein Separation and Immobilization of Metal Ions, Chemical Bulletin, 2005,68 (5): 352 ~ 360, the first author.
4. protein's color behavior on the registered exchange column. Li Anna Di Cimica, 2004, 94: 939 ~ 949, the first author (included by SCI).
5. Chromatographic Characteristics of protein on Synthetic Cation Exchanger, Chromatography, 2004,22 (2):134 ~ 237, the first author.
6. Denaturation thermodynamics of protein in weak exchange chromatography Y. China University Chemistry Research, 2003, 19 (4): 404 ~ 408, the first author (included by SCI).
7. Relationship between retention value and sample volume in gas chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 2003,31(10):1164 ~165438, the first author (included in SCI).
8. The key technology of biological mass spectrometry-protein group research. Chemical bulletin, 2002,65 (11): 748 ~ 751,757. First author.
9. The role of immobilized metal ions and protein in metal chelating affinity chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 2002,30 (5): 552 ~ 555. First author (included in SCI)
10. Separation and purification of lysozyme from egg white by high performance cation exchange chromatography. Chromatography, 2002,20 (3): 259 ~ 261. First author
1 1. Effects of mobile phase composition, concentration and pH on retention characteristics of protein on metal chelating column. Chromatogram, 200 1, 19(5):385~389. First author.
12. Synthesis of silica gel matrix cation exchanger and separation of lysozyme from egg white. Analytical chemistry,1999,27 (5): 517 ~ 522, first author (included in SCI).
13. Purification of superoxide dismutase from bovine blood. Modern chemical industry, 1999, 19 (3): 2 1 ~ 24, second author.
14. purification of superoxide dismutase from bovine red blood cells by column chromatography. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition),1999,29 (2):133 ~136, second author.
15. Study on protein denaturation thermodynamics in hydrophobic chromatography. Journal of China Chemistry,1998,56 (8): 807 ~ 811,third author (included in SCI).
16. Synthesis and chromatographic characteristics of metal chelating affinity chromatography media. Chromatogram, 1998, 16 (4): 297 ~ 300, fourth author.
17. Conformational changes and size exclusion chromatographic behavior of guanidine. Chromatogram, 1998, 16 (3): 232 ~ 234, third author.
18. Study on protein denaturation by size exclusion chromatography. Journal of China University Chemistry, 1997, 18 (5): 70 1 ~ 705, second author.