02, "Big Chess" [America] by Z·K· brzezinski.
03, "Grand Strategy" [America] by john collins.
04. American strategy in World War II [America] by Kent Greenfield.
05, Naval Strategy [USA] by alfred thayer mahan.
06, "Sea Power" [America] by alfred thayer mahan.
07, "Fleet Tactics and Coastal Fighting" [America] by Wayne Hughes.
08. Indirect Route Strategy [UK] By Basil Henry liddell-Hart.
09. Economic mobilization preparation [USA] Harold J. Clem.
10, Louis C. Perti, etc. Introduction to Military Geography [USA].
1 1, theoretical logistics-the science of war preparation [USA] by George Cyrus Thorpe.
12, Wars in European History [Britain] by michael howard.
13, Decisive Factors in the Twenty World Wars [English] by William Seymour.
14, Soviet blitzkrieg.
15, Tanks-Forward [German] by H. guderian.
16, The Way of Commanders [America] by Bevan Alexander.
17, Hideo Iwashima, A Study of Sudden Attacks [Japan].
18, western art of war [America] by archer Jones
19, "Fast Enemy"-a real military revolution [America] James Wade Jr.
20. The Evolution of Arms and War [America] T.N. Dupuis.
2 1, Guerrilla War [Cuba] Ernesto Guevara.
22. Andre beaufort's Introduction to Strategy (French).
23. The new trend of strategic thinking [Australia] Robert O 'Neill.
24, "Strategic Research" [China] Niu Zhongxian
25, "Strategy"-the logic of war and peace [America] by Edward Lutwak.
26. The Geography of War [United States] by Patrick Olyshavin
27, "On War" [German] author clausewitz
28. War and logistics [Israel]
29, "War Guidance" [UK] by Fuller
30, "air superiority" [Italian] author Giulio Douhet.
3 1, fatal mistake [UK] by Kenneth McCarthy.
32. Armored Warfare [UK] by J F C Fuller.
On the 33 rd, the Introduction to Operational Theory [Japan] Land Self-Defense Force Xiuqin Conference
34. Jomini's The Art of War