If you are interested in terminology, fruit is the mature ovary of flowering plants. The function of fruit is to bear seeds, which help more plants to grow. This means that your eggplant, cucumber, corn and peas are all real fruits. Technically, even hard and dry nuts are fruits.
Vegetables refer to the edible parts of plants. They may include leaves (such as lettuce), stems (your favorite celery), roots (carrots), bulbs (onions) and flowers (such as broccoli). If you think that fruit is also an edible part of plants, you are right. The only difference is that the fruit will be separated from the plant after a period of time, so that the seeds inside can develop into new plants.
There is a common misunderstanding that fruit is the only sweet and soft part of plants. The rest of the plant is conveniently distributed as vegetables. The fact is that even tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables!
This is because fruits are usually found above the ground of trees. Because tomatoes grow on vines rather than trees, there has always been a debate about this inferior fruit. People tend to think that fruit is a sweet and juicy part. Besides, they don't even use tomatoes as they usually use fruits. Even the pumpkins and zucchini you love so much are technically part of the fru it family. This is because they are a member of the pumpkin family.
When your nutritionist asks you to keep a balance between fruits and vegetables, make sure you know exactly what you are eating. A simple rule of thumb is to find out whether the confused things have seeds. If so, it is probably a kind of fruit.
Fruits and vegetables are part of your daily diet. Fruit provides you with the daily antioxidant, vitamin C and all the fiber you need. The nutritional value of vegetables can not be ignored. Vegetables provide you with coarse grains in your diet. Vegetables also provide you with vitamins and protein. A diet without vegetables will make you malnourished and lack the necessary protein and vitamins. Generally speaking, vegetables contain less sugar than fruits. Vegetables also provide more fiber than fruits.
So, the next time you pick up a carrot and start to wonder whether you are eating fruit or vegetables, don't do it. The important thing is to mix them up and eat as many kinds of food as possible.