First, taking cash with you when you go out may be stolen. Before going out with cash, people are particularly afraid that their money will be stolen by others. With mobile payment, there is no such trouble. In case your mobile phone is unfortunately lost or stolen, you can transfer money immediately, so mobile payment is undoubtedly more convenient and safer than carrying cash.
Second, it is inconvenient to return the change. The biggest advantage of mobile payment is that you don't have to change. Just scan the code and transfer the amount we spend, without waiting for the owner to give us change. Sometimes the shopkeeper is very busy, so we can scan the code and pay the bill ourselves without waiting for the shopkeeper's change.
Third, there are many bacteria on the cash? Another reason why people don't like to use cash is that there are many bacteria on it. Because cash is very mobile, many people may have touched the same piece of cash, so it is dirty, so people are reluctant to use cash when they have other choices.
It is true that mobile payment has greatly facilitated our lives, but it is also illegal to refuse RMB. Some vendors are run by old people, and they don't know how to pay by mobile. You can prepare some cash when you go out.
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