As for the code of the web page, I won't post it here. Hello, if you want.
The JAVA code is as follows:
Import? Java . awt . borderlayout;
Import? javax . swing . *;
Import? Java . awt . dimension;
Import? Java . awt . rectangle;
Public? Class? Milulu? Extension? JFrame? {
Private? Static electricity Final? Dragon? serialVersionUID? =? 1L;
Private? JPanel? jContentPane? =? null
Private? JLabel? jLabel? =? null
Private? JLabel? jLabel 1? =? null
Private? JLabel? jLabel2? =? null
Private? JLabel? jLabel3? =? null
Private? JTextField? jTextField? =? null
Private? JRadioButton? jRadioButton? =? null
Private? JRadioButton? jRadioButton 1? =? null
Private? JComboBox? jComboBox? =? null
Private? JComboBox? jComboBox 1? =? null
Private? JButton? jButton? =? null
Private? JButton? jButton 1? =? null
Private? JTextArea? jTextArea? =? null
Private? ButtonGroup? mybg=new? button group();
*? This? Is it? That? Default? constructors
Public? MyLuRu()? {
*? This? Method? Initialize? this
*? @ Return? empty
Private? Invalid? Initialize ()? {
this.setSize(268,? 407);
this . setcontentpane(getJContentPane());
this . settitle(" entry ");
This.addWindowListener (new? java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()? {
Public? Invalid? The window is closed (java.awt.event.WindowEvent? e)? {
system . exit(0);
this . set visible(true);
*? This? Method? Initialize? jContentPane
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JPanel
Private? JPanel? getJContentPane()? {
What if? (jContentPane? ==? null)? {
jLabel3? =? New? JLabel();
JLabel3.setBounds (new? Rectangular (16,? 150,? 65,? 18));
Jebel 3. Settext ("education level:");
jLabel2? =? New? JLabel();
JLabel2.setBounds (new? Rectangular (16,? 108,? 39,? 18));
jlabel 2 . settext(" major:");
jLabel 1? =? New? JLabel();
JLabel 1.setBounds (new? Rectangular (16,? 66,? 39,? 18));
jlabel 1 . settext(" gender:");
jLabel? =? New? JLabel();
JLabel.setBounds (new? Rectangular (16,? 24,? 39,? 18));
jlabel . settext(" name:");
jContentPane? =? New? JPanel();
jcontentpane . set layout(null);
jContentPane.add(jLabel 1,? null);
jContentPane.add(jLabel2,? null);
jContentPane.add(jLabel3,? null);
jContentPane.add(getJTextField(),? null);
jcontentpane . add(getJRadioButton(),? null);
jcontentpane . add(getjradiobutton 1(),? null); ?
mybg . add(jRadioButton);
mybg . add(jradiobutton 1);
jContentPane.add(getJComboBox(),? null);
jcontentpane . add(getjcombobx 1(),? null);
jContentPane.add(getJButton(),? null);
jcontentpane . add(getjbutton 1(),? null);
jContentPane.add(getJTextArea(),? null);
Return? jContentPane
*? This? Method? Initialize? jTextField?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JTextField?
Private? JTextField? getJTextField()? {
What if? (jTextField? ==? null)? {
jTextField? =? New? JTextField();
JTextField.setBounds (new? Rectangular (6 1,? 24,? 180,? 18));
Return? jTextField
*? This? Method? Initialize? jRadioButton?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JRadioButton?
Private? JRadioButton? getJRadioButton()? {
What if? (jRadioButton? ==? null)? {
jRadioButton? =? New? JRadioButton();
JRadioButton.setBounds (new? Rectangular (6 1,? 62,? 38,? 26));
jradiobutton . settext(" male ");
Return? jRadioButton
*? This? Method? Initialize? jRadioButton 1?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JRadioButton?
Private? JRadioButton? getJRadioButton 1()? {
What if? (jRadioButton 1? ==? null)? {
jRadioButton 1? =? New? JRadioButton();
JRadioButton 1.setBounds (new? Rectangular (1 17,? 62,? 38,? 26));
jradiobutton 1 . settext(" female ");
Return? jradiobutton 1;
*? This? Method? Initialize? jComboBox?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JComboBox?
Private? JComboBox? getJComboBox()? {
What if? (jComboBox? ==? null)? {
String[]? Strcb={ "computer", "electronics" and "industry and commerce"};
jComboBox? =? New? JComboBox(strcb);
JComboBox.setBounds (new? Rectangular (62,? 108,? 93,? 18));
Return? jComboBox
*? This? Method? Initialize? jComboBox 1?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JComboBox?
Private? JComboBox? getjcombobx 1()? {
What if? (jComboBox 1? ==? null)? {
String[]? Strcb2={ "junior college", "undergraduate", "master" and "doctor"};
jComboBox 1? =? New? JComboBox(strcb 2);
JComboBox 1.setBounds (new? Rectangular (92,? 150,? 125,? 18));
Return? jcombobox 1;
*? This? Method? Initialize? jButton?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JButton?
Private? JButton? getJButton()? {
What if? (jButton? ==? null)? {
jButton? =? New? JButton();
JButton.setBounds (new? Rectangular (66,? 18 1,? 60,? 28));
jbutton . settext(" submit ");
JButton.addActionListener (new? java.awt.event.ActionListener()? {
Public? Invalid? action performed(Java . awt . event . action event? e)? {
String? strname = jtextfield . gettext();
String? Strsex = " male
if(jradiobutton 1 . is selected()){
Strsex= "female";
String? strzy = jcombobox . getselecteditem()。 toString();
String? strwh = jcombobox 1 . getselecteditem()。 toString();
jtextarea . settext(" Name:"+strname+" \ r \ n "+" Gender:"+strrex+" \ r \ n "+" Major:"+strzy+" \ r \ n "+" Culture:"+strwh);
Return? jButton
*? This? Method? Initialize? jButton 1?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JButton?
Private? JButton? getJButton 1()? {
What if? (jButton 1? ==? null)? {
jButton 1? =? New? JButton();
JButton 1.setBounds (new? Rectangular (158,? 18 1,? 60,? 28));
jbutton 1 . settext(" Cancel ");
Jbatton1.addactionlistener (new? java.awt.event.ActionListener()? {
Public? Invalid? action performed(Java . awt . event . action event? e)? {
system . exit(0);
Return? jbutton 1;
*? This? Method? Initialize? jTextArea?
*? @ Return? javax.swing.JTextArea?
Private? JTextArea? getJTextArea()? {
What if? (jTextArea? ==? null)? {
jTextArea? =? New? JTextArea();
JTextArea.setBounds (new? Rectangular (16,? 225,? 229,? 130));
Return? jTextArea
Public? Static electricity Invalid? Main (string? args[]){
New? my luru();
The effect is as follows: