"I thought Chen Yuan, a veteran of the Han Dynasty, would have a remark, or this despicable remark! I have a saying, listen to all the armies: the world of Huan and Ling in the past was replaced by the Han Dynasty, and the eunuchs made a mess; The country is chaotic and fierce, and the four sides are noisy. After the yellow turban insurrectionary, Dong Zhuo, Xian, Yun, etc. Rise in succession, rob the Han emperor, cruel means. Because above the temple, rotten wood is the official, and between the temples, animals eat Lu; Ruthless people, people in power, and people who are full of servility have all been in power. As a result, the hilly market in this country is full of charcoal. I know what you did: you live on the coast of the East China Sea, you first promoted Xiaolian to the official position; Li Kuangjun assisted the country, An Hanxing Liu; When did you help a thief and plot to usurp the throne? Sin is so terrible that heaven and earth can't tolerate it! People all over the world want to eat your meat! Today, fortunately, God will never stop burning the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Zhaolie succeeded in reunifying surprisingly. Today, my successor instructed me to recruit a thief. Since you are a flattering minister, you can only live with your head down; Ann dares to pretend to be the number of days before joining the army! White-headed thief! You will be buried today, how can you meet the twenty-four emperors? Old thief, stand back! I can teach the rebels to fight with me! "
From The Romance of The Three Kingdoms, 93rd time, he went to his hometown and called Wang Lang to death.