Heaven and earth are in harmony, and life is human. Life is between heaven and earth, so the question and answer of Huang Qi's monarch and minister begins with calmness and innocence protection, followed by four-tone gods, inferring yin and yang and five elements, educating and adapting to heaven and earth, and forming Su Wen. This is also the meaning of Laozi's "people everywhere, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature", and there is no extreme time. Later people didn't understand that the funeral of the Yellow Emperor was a disease, so they first designated the needle sutra as the "spiritual pivot" in order to be long-lasting and unforgettable. This virtue of harmony with heaven needs no poison.
The ancient sages' compassion for others is fully revealed in the text. However, it is difficult for all beings to change. There are many people who forget themselves and follow things, and few people who are indifferent to nothingness. Therefore, Zhong Jing wrote the classic theory of sages, that is, sixteen volumes of Treatise on Febrile Diseases. Prescriptions and medicines are used to cure diseases, and it is also necessary to settle for second best.
After Zhongjing, there are fewer and fewer doctors, and there are more and more school disputes, which go further and further. Huang Yuanyu in Changyi, because of medical waste, escaped into the medical door. His theory is empty and insightful, inspiring, and it is the legacy of a saint.
There are eleven kinds of books handed down by Huang, and The Four Sages Heart Source is the intersection of all the books. His theory of one breath transfer includes heaven and earth, reaching out to ghosts and gods, explaining the way to follow heaven, and never leaving the side of eliminating diseases, the hearts of ancient sages and sages are all clear. After Zhongjing, the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine was lost in the first line, so it is difficult to ask. Fortunately, Huang regained his sight.
Huang's book is not widely circulated because of its lofty views, inspirational words and criticism of various schools of thought. Ma Ruiting and Sun Qiaxi, two predecessors, searched extensively for Huang's suicide note and sorted out eleven kinds of Huang's medical books, which were published in People's Health Publishing House and China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House in 1990s. As a result, Huang's book was made public and widely circulated. Ma Laosun is really the hero of the Huang family and the well-being of all beings.
Nanyang bricklayer not far from Zhongjing's former residence. I love Chinese medicine and my heart is full of people. In order to better promote Huang's academic plan, I intend to sort out the electronic versions of his medical works. A hundred answers, from spring to winter before finalizing. The masons carefully typeset it to make it beautiful. This paper lists 1 1 for easy retrieval and circulation, and the people with lofty ideals who participated in collating made great contributions to Huang's scholarship.
This book is an electronic version of Eleven Kinds of Medical Books, which is an unofficial publication, and some contents are obviously different from the original Huang. For example, in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Treatise on Febrile Diseases, whenever Huang quoted Zhongjing's original prescription, it was replaced by Zhongjing's original prescription, which did not hurt Huang's meaning and strictly followed Zhongjing's purpose. Most of the medicinal materials contained in Changsha Yaojie were added by the original edition of Benjing, which was originally recommended by the Committee to support Huang's theory. As for meticulous and beautiful typesetting, it can't be found in Huang's original works, all for the convenience of readers.
Although the electronic version has been carefully arranged, it will inevitably make mistakes. There is also computer text browsing, if you don't think about it with a volume. At present, The Source of Four Sages' Hearts has been published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press and People's Military Medical Press, which will be launched soon. China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House will also publish the monographs Changsha Yaoxie and Yuyue Yaoxie in the near future, as well as the monographs Su Ling Wei Yun and Nanjing Hangjie. The revision of Huang Yuanyu Encyclopedia of Medicine has also started, and it is expected to be listed this year.
In addition, the unpublished draft of Huang Yuanyu's "Moral Hanging Solution" has been published, and its lost medical case monograph "Yu Tuotang Draft" has clues. The clear manuscript of Huang's gynecological information "Woman" has been contacted, and the clues of the manuscript have also been revealed on the Internet. Once verified, these works may be included in the medical encyclopedia by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House and become Huang's academic integrity.
Therefore, while paying tribute to the friends who participated in collating the electronic version, we also suggest that you buy genuine books as much as possible to promote the healthy development of Huang Xue.
If there is any omission in the electronic version, please send it back to the mailbox of Huang Yuanyu Medical Book Arrangement Group for correction in the future.
Winter and November in ugly years