Please do not log in to your Tesla account on any other device; If you reveal your account number, others will have the same management rights as you, including but not limited to modifying your account password, unbinding your account from your car, opening your locked trunk and glove box, and ordering software upgrades. Besides, you can't take back someone's control.
Permission for family or friends to add Tesla car control: 1. Please edit the content of the email and send it to by email.
2. When your E-mail A receives a reply from "" with the theme "Add vehicle control authority-(frame number) [refid: (unfixed)]" (the theme content is for reference only and may change), it means that E-mail B has obtained the login authority of tesla mobile APP, and this E-mail address will also receive a password reset connection from "". The link is valid for 10 minutes. If it is overdue, you can click the resend link in the email received by mailbox A, and mailbox B will receive a password reset email again, which is also valid as 10min.
3. Your relatives or friends can use the B mailbox to log in to the Tesla mobile APP.
4. If you want to take back their rights, just edit the same content and change the title of the email to "Delete the vehicle management right".