He has been engaged in the study of Quaternary glaciers, sedimentary facies, loess deposits, thawing mud flows, ice wedges and high-resolution magnetic strata in the periglacial environment of the last glacial period of the late Pleistocene in northwest Europe. Since 1987, he has been engaged in the research of muddy coastal sediments, shell dikes and oyster reefs (mainly in the coastal zone of Bohai Bay). Holocene geological environment changes recorded by shallow strata and coastal sedimentology in coastal zone, short isotope (2 10Pb and 137Cs) dating of modern sediments, Holocene Millennium scale and changes of coastline and sea surface in recent hundred years, radiocarbon dating (including AMS dating) and systematic correction of 14C age.
At present, he is in charge of the coastal geology special topic of Geological Environment Change and Vulnerability Assessment in Key Areas around Bohai Sea by China Geological Survey, and the National 908 Tianjin Coastal Zone Special Survey, the Investigation of Modern Siltation Disaster in Huanghua Port by Hebei Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and the Tianjin Coastal Zone Environmental Analysis by Tianjin Science and Technology Commission. In recent years, the research field has expanded from coastal lowlands and intertidal zones to shallow seas.