Before Qin and Han Dynasties: Hou Bozi was male and could be simply described as a vassal. They are the aristocratic landlord class. It is an evaluation of the contribution of the son of heaven, and it is also the level of defining the size of the fief. They are symbols of official rank and territorial rank. They decided the size of their responsibilities and obligations to the son of heaven. Such as: tribute, military service, labor and so on. It is hereditary and inheritable.
At that time, Qing and doctors were both nobles of rank and inferior. In the government of the emperor, there are also settings in the government of the princes. It can also be inherited.
After Qin and Han Dynasties: With the implementation of centralization of authority, many aspects of the aristocratic landlord class were restricted. The gentry landlord class gradually entered the political field of vision.
Viscount Marquis only represents social status and income, but it can still be passed down from generation to generation. Qing and doctor became official ranks, but they could not be passed on.