Designer Wu Yong once said in an interview: Book design is a feeling. However, judging from the illustrations of these problems designed by him at present, his feelings have poisoned our teenagers, and many people cannot understand Wu Yong's feelings.
What makes everyone feel even more angry is that Wu Yong once said that our humble life left us with bad genes. People live a civilized life, but we still have a certain distance from civilization. You can't stand up no matter how rich you are now.
At this juncture, after such remarks were exposed, Wu Yong was pushed to the forefront of public opinion. As an illustrator of official textbooks, he has such inferiority complex. How can such a person design the teaching materials well? Many people also say that after reading Wu Yong's words, we can understand why he can paint children in China so ugly. Everyone is calling on the authorities to thoroughly investigate Wu Yong and completely solve the problem of teaching materials.